Many posts have stated that “Masses are canceled” due to coronavirus. Technically that is not true. While many Public Masses have been suspended, most priests are still saying Masses only without a congregation, and that is different from Mass being canceled. We have unfortunately seen this error even from dioceses. One diocese had in big letters, “Until further notice, All Masses will be canceled throughout the diocese of … ” This was odd as the next line was about how they would be live-streaming Masses from many parishes and the cathedral, thus indicating Masses were still being celebrated, only without a congregation. All that is suspended is the congregation, not Mass. In addition, “suspended” means a temporary lifting of one aspect, not a permanent removal of Mass, as “canceled” might imply. This distinction is important because it points to the value of the Mass in itself and not just for the community. Always remember that Mass has an infinite value in itself. One line of St. John Paul II stands out regarding Mass, especially when being celebrated without a congregation: “The Eucharist is always in some way celebrated on the altar of the world.” (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 8) Every Mass has infinite value as it is Jesus’ sacrifice represented. Thus, a Mass celebrated without a congregation is still valuable for the whole Church. Just as every Mass is “celebrated on the altar of the world,” so every Mass has the entire Church present in some way. Thus, even if a person cannot be at Mass physically, as a baptized believer in union with the Pope, people are present in some way. When someone can’t attend Mass for whatever reason, the Church encourages people to participate virtually. The current documents on that subject are older documents, and they suggest that people should listen o the Mass on the radio or watch the Mass on TV, but online livestreams of Mass also apply; they just weren’t foreseen when the documents were first written decades ago. Here at St. Helena, we are live-streaming Mass daily from the church at 9 a.m. in English and from the chapel at 5 p.m. in Spanish, and, in addition, Sunday Mass is live-streamed at 8 p.m. on Saturday in French. To participate, visit and click the word video on the left-hand column. Many priests celebrate Mass without a congregation with some frequency, and most priests try to say Mass daily, even while on vacation or on their day off each week. While the priest often does not have a congregation, it helps him spiritually to still celebrate Mass. The Church has long held the value of a Mass with little to no congregation. Mass is re-living or re-presenting the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We are called to live the whole Mass and not just treat it an extended introduction to Communion. In Mass, we go through the whole paschal mystery. In fact, the end of the Eucharistic prayer, also known as the doxology, reminds us of the purpose of the Mass: “Through him, and with him, and in him, O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, forever and ever.” So. let us therefore unite ourselves spiritually to all the Masses being celebrated during this current coronavirus pandemic. Remember, Jesus is asking all of us to grow in faith and to make many spiritual Communions, as we hunger more for the Eucharist.