The American-Italian Cancer Foundation is sponsoring a Free Mobile Breast Cancer Screening Program, using state of the art digital GE mammography equipment. The screening will take place here at the St. Helena parking lot on either the second or third Sunday in March. The program is for women age 40 and over who reside in New York City and have not had a mammogram in the last 12 months. All health insurances are accepted. Please bring your health insurance card with you to the screening. Women will NOT be charged a co-pay or deductible and will receive no bill. Costs for uninsured women are covered in part by the New York State Cancer Service Program. Due to a limited number of appointment times, women need to pre-register for this service. If you are interested in this free screening, please call the parish office at 718-892-3232 and register by February 20 The screening staff is fluent in both English and Spanish.