MARCH FOR LIFE 2020 Pilgrimage to Washington D.C. on FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2020. Join us for a pilgrimage as we commemorate the 47th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the tragic Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion. We will be attending the NY Pilgrim Mass at 10:30AM celebrated by Cardinal Dolan, which is within walking distance from the start of the Rally. Bus departs at 5:00 AM from: Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 457 West 51st Street (between 9th & 10th Ave). Total cost for the trip is $55 (Checks made payable to “Respect Life Office.” Payment is non-refundable.) If you would like to be part of this pilgrimage, please contact Sr. Charity by email at [email protected] OR by phone at 646-476-0931. Don't wait! Space is limited.