Coronavirus Directives from the Archdiocese The Archdiocese has just issued the following liturgical directives concerning the Coronavirus: *The Sign of Peace is to be exchanged without physical contact. *The Distribution of the Precious Blood of Christ from the chalice is suspended at this time. *Every consideration should be made by each individual to receive the host reverently in open hands for now for the protection of all. *Ministers are to use anti-bacterial solution before and after the distribution of Holy Communion. *Hand sanitizers and wipes will be placed at all entrances to the church for your use. *The use of the communal collection basket is suspended. We will have a stationary collection basket near the sanctuary in which you can place your offertory gifts, either before or after Mass. Please note that washing your hands frequently with regular soap and water is important to help prevent the spread of germs. But while antibacterial products may seem like a stronger cleaning option, they are no more effective in cleaning your hands than regular soap and water--and THEY DO NOT KILL VIRUSES LIKE THE CORONAVIRUS. In fact, the routine use of antibacterial cleaning products has been seriously questioned by scientists and studies have shown that triclosan, the active ingredient in many antibacterial products, may make matters worse by creating harmful drug-resistant bacteria. Stick with simple soap and water and if you can't wash your hands, use an alcohol-based sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content.